Watts Beauty ArganGoldTM 1oz/100% Certified Organic Cold Pressed Argan Nut Oil for Hair & Body - MoroccoList Price :
Product Feature
- 100-Percent Pure Cold-Pressed Argan Oil Direct from Morocco.
- Excellent Multi-Use Beauty Secret for Hair Conditioning, Nails, Stretch Marks, Pregnancy Skin, Infant Skin, Cuticles, Rough Heels, Wrinkles, Etc..
- Works Wonders When Used Alone on Damp Hair and/or Skin. Or Add to Your Favorite Lotion, Shampoo, Conditioner or Skin Care Product to Enhance Their Results
- Recommended Brand of Beauty Expert Kat James - Best Selling Author. Dark amber bottle for extended shelf life as Oils are Light Sensitive & Must Be Stored in Dark Amber Bottles to Protect Them From Oxidation. Oils Not Packaged in Dark Bottles Will Lose Potency & Become Non Effective
- Be Wary Of Imitations. This is a Quality Watts Beauty Product from A Trusted Woman Owned & Operated Company - Not Tested on Animals, Fair trade, Paraben Free.
- Amazon Sales Rank: #2534 in Beauty
- Size: 1 oz Dropper
- Brand: Watts Beauty
- Ingredients: 100% Pure, Raw, Cold Pressed Argan Oil Direct from Morocco. Read the labels ladies. If it has several ingredients it is not pure, period.... Why buy a product with over 13 ingredients, when you can buy this pure concentrate and add it to your own favorite hair and skin care products. Due to the popularity of The Watts Beauty ArganGold Argan Oil, there are numerous imitations flooding the market in addition to fake reviews being posted by competitors. We stand behind this product 100% and believe that its results, purity, quality, loyal customer base and beneficial uses will keep it available. Always ensure that any oil based beauty product you purchase is in a dark bottle. These products lose potency when exposed to light through a process called oxidation. Quite simply, if we take or use antioxidants to encourage healthy skin, hair & nails, why use a product that is or will become oxidized. Cosmetic products bottled in dark containers help maintain the products quality, potency and beneficial elements...
- Number of items: 80
Product Reviews

198 of 208 people found the following review helpful.Best bang for the buck! (Update: Quality dropped. Caused breakout)
By Tina
I've been using Watts because of the low price but you get what you pay for. The quality is no longer good. They dropped the ball.
I also used another brand that I used to recommend in my previous review but that brand also dropped in quality (and expensive).
It seems like a lot of these companies are greedy and are not selling pure premium quality that is Certified Organic by Ecocert or USDA.
***Recently Watts gave me pimples and I broke out so bad, it looks like chicken pox***
I am now using this brand Certified Organic 100% Pure Argan Oil 2oz (60 mL)
It is certified and hasn't given me any problems yet. Also smells fresher and absorbs better.
Previous review below:
In skincare industry, Watt's like the Toyota.
It's inexpensive and best bang for the bucks.
It may not be like a Lexus with premium packaging or premium quality but for 8 bucks, you really can't beat it.
I've been an Argan fanatic for over a year and have tried them all and Watts comes very close to the top brands such as Josie Maran or Pura d'or.
If you are new to argan oil, you wont be dissapointed with Watts brand. If you've been using argan oil for along time and are looking at a cheaper brand without sacrificing too much quality, I would recommend Watts.
Great moisturizer
Makes hair feel soft and shiny
Pure and natural(Not chemical ingredients like Agadir or One 'n Only)
Inconsistent quality (some bottles have quality control problems, Watts will happily replace)
Slightly strange odor (personal preference)
Cheap packaging (glass bottle with printed label and dropper)
88 of 92 people found the following review helpful.Fantastic Product - Cheapie PET Plastic Bottle
By It's A New World
For my 3rd order of this excellent oil I decided upgrade from the 2 oz dropper and splurge on the 8 oz pump size. I am greatly disappointed that my oil arrived in a #1 PET PLASTIC BOTTLE. Some types of plastic are better than others but #1 PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate) can leach antimony and phthalates. I avoid them and #7 PC (Polycarbonate) bottles, which can leach Bisphenol-A (BPA).
I'd think the cost and quality of their product would lead Watts Beauty to put ALL their oils in glass bottles. (Why advertise Organic, Raw and Cold Pressed only to let garbage seep in?) If you're listening Watts Beauty, #2 HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) and #5 PP (Polypropylene) are supposed to be safer, but really... why not just tack the $0.30 cost onto the product and give us GLASS. Please don't be CHEAP with your VALUED CUSTOMERS who are spending a great deal for a small amount of your oil! Please update your page when you've switched back to glass. Until then, I'll replace this product with a healthier one.
117 of 128 people found the following review helpful.Not as good as last time
By Constant reader in Oregon
I first ordered a large size of this product about a year ago, and it has lasted quite a while. I've been very happy with it, so the other day I ordered more. But it doesn't seem like quite the same product. It smells a bit different (a little chemical-ish, where before it had a natural, slightly "toasty" smell). It's thinner and lighter in color.
Also, the label claimed before that it was certified organic by Eco Cert, which I checked out and is a real organization. The new label just claims the product is "organic" but doesn't back it up with any certification.
I'm not sure whether I even want to use it. Am thinking about contacting the seller directly with my concerns.
Product Description
Yes, this is the popular Watts Beauty product that everyone is searching for. Don't buy a whole new line of products, simply add a few drops of this pure argan oil concentrate to your favorite hair and skin products to enhance their results and benefits. Watts Beauty Argan Gold is produced by a woman's cooperative that shares the profits among the local women of the Berber tribe. Watts Beauty ArganGold is the recommended brand of Kat James - Beauty Expert and Best Selling Author of " The Truth About Beauty". Watts Beauty Argan Gold is produced by a woman's cooperative that shares the profits among the local women of the Berber tribe.
Related Seller :
Amazon.com: Watts Beauty ArganGoldTM 1oz/100% Certified Cold Pressed Argan Oil for Hair & Body Pure Argan Oil from Moroccan Argan Trees Watts Beauty brand is Pure Certified Organic Argan Oil from Morocco Amazon.com: Watts Beauty ArganGoldTM 100% Certified Cold Pressed Argan Oil for Hair & Body ArganGold 100% Certified Pure Argan Nut Oil For Hair & Body 100% Organic, Pure, Raw & Cold Pressed Argan Oil Direct Watts Beauty ArganGoldTM 1oz/100% Certified Organic Cold Watts Beauty ArganGoldTM 1oz/100% Certified Organic Cold Pressed Argan Nut Oil for Hair & Body – Morocco★ Watts Beauty ArganGoldTM 1oz/100% Certified Organic I agree with the many great things other reviewers have said about ★ Watts Beauty ArganGoldTM 1oz/100% Certified Organic Cold Pressed Argan Nut Oil for Hair & Body Watts Beauty ArganGoldTM 1oz/100% Certified Organic Cold Watts Beauty ArganGoldTM 1oz/100% Certified Organic Cold Pressed Argan Nut Oil for Hair & Body - Morocco by Watts Beauty
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